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How to Grow Mimosa Hostilis

mimosa-hostilis-plantOne of the most frequently asked questions regarding Mimosa Hostilis is, of course, how to grow it. Here is the simplest method:
Start by heating some water to just under boiling. To help facilitate germination, make a small cut at the roundish end of each seed and soak them in the water for 30 to 60 minutes. You want them to swell, as these seeds are more likely to germinate than the seeds which have not swollen. You can reheat the water and try soaking those seeds again. It is usually a good idea to refrain from using tap water when growing anything. Distilled water is much better for this purpose.
Wet down a paper towel and wrap your swelled seeds in it. Put this wrap into a plastic bag and set it in a safe place, away from direct sunlight. Check it every other day for signs of germination. Rewet the towel, if it feels dry to the touch. The seeds should begin to sprout in no less than a week.
Fill some small pots with perlite or some other kind of non-organic grit, one per seed. Plant each seed two inches deep and place the pots in a well lit location. Rain forest is humid and the light is filtered through dense vegetation and mist, so the growing area shouldn’t be exactly hot or in direct sunlight. You must keep the planting medium thoroughly moist, but not soggy, over a period of 2 – 6 weeks as your plants germinate and go through the earliest stages of development.
As they grow to be a few inches tall, transplant them into organic soil with lots of room for the roots to grow and more of the same, filtered ligting and dense, humid warmth. Water them regularly and, as they begin to establish root structure, introduce to the soil an occasional liquid fish fertilizer or some vegetarian alternative, if you prefer, such as Earth Emulsion.
Mimosa Hostilis can grow to be over 25 feet tall and can reach half that height in less than 5 years.

What is Jurema?

Jurema, Jurema Preta, Black Jurema, Vinho de Jurema, Tepezcohuite, Mimosa tenuiflora and Mimosa hostilis are all names for a perrenial shrub that is native to Northeastern Brazil and various parts of Central America, found growing in the wild as far north as Southern Mexico.


Jurema trees grow as tall as 8 meters and can reach as high as 5 meters in under 5 years. The branches are fernlike, producing white fragrant flowers and brittle pod fruits which contain 4-6 light brown seeds, each, that are flat and oval in structure and about 3-4 mm in diameter. The bark is dark brown to grayish in color. Its wood is reddish brown with a yellow stalk center. It is quite vigorous and dense, surviving forest fires and other ecological impact. It drops leaves continually throughout the year, creating a layer of mulch and humus over the soil, which conditions and prepares it for other species to flourish within its region.

The dried bark of certain Jurema trees has been shown to contain as much as 1% Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, making the plant most famous for its entheogenic properties. It has been used traditionally, in northeastern Brazil, in the preparation of a psychoactive drink similar to Amazonian Ayhuasca. This drink is known as Jurema or Yurema, hence the common name. Other uses include animal forage or fodder, combating soil erosion and facilitating reforestation. It is used as a leather dye and for parasite prevention when employed as an animal bath. Jurema is an excellent source of fire wood and has a high resistance to rot, making it useful for building everything from furniture to fences and bridges.